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Become an E-Commerce Expert

Have you ever wanted to have an online store but did not know where to start? E-Commerce is commercial business conducted online or electronically. Technology can be very confusing. Internet Technology (IT) has its own terminology like most industries. works with Ideal Workplace to provide training to business owners and staff to become competent…

Chalkware Overview

Chalkware Overview

Chalkware is a type of sculptural material that has been used for decorative purposes for centuries. It is a mixture of plaster of Paris and pigment, and is sometimes referred to as “plasterware.” Chalkware was first used in Europe in the 16th century and became popular in the United States in the late 18th and…

Milk Glass Overview

Milk Glass Overview

Milk glass is a type of opaque or translucent white glass that was first produced in the 16th century. It was popularized in the 19th century as a decorative item for homes and became a highly sought-after collectible in the 20th century. Milk glass is known for its soft, milky white color and delicate appearance….

Slag Metal Overview

Slag Metal Overview

Slag is a by-product of metal smelting and refining processes that is produced when impurities are separated from the metal. It is a dense, glassy material that can contain significant amounts of valuable metals and minerals, making it a potentially valuable resource. Uses of Slag Metal Slag metal can be processed to recover the valuable…